Gio Dynamics 

In response to the many constraints experienced by artists during lockdown, Jer Reid set up an amazing group, the Glasgow Improvisation Orchestra (GIO dynamics), which operated entirely on Zoom and therefore in different locations.  We would meet once  a month and be placed in random Improv groups whereby we would produce a short, maybe 5 minute piece.  We were interdisciplinary, with many routes into sound and the outcomes reflected this diversity.  Sometimes the feeling was tense, sometimes it flowed together, but that was part of the experience.  I found myself moving away from bass at times, playing (for example) my bike wheel spokes.  It was quite liberating to be able to think about where sound could be generated and how it could be used to produce work with others.  However, also daunting to make work with people you did not know and would probably never meet, but were on display with for a brief time, sharing with the rest of the group.